UCI Zoom accounts are available for all current students, staff, and faculty to support remote teaching, learning, and working at UCI.

Create a new UCI Zoom account

If this is your first time using Zoom, simply sign in with your UCInetID via the appropriate link for either regular Zoom or the more restricted UCI HIPAA account option (which is configured with stricter rules to protect patient privacy and confidentiality in medical and other applicable contexts):

Move an existing account to UCI Zoom

If you already have a Zoom account, you can move it to UCI Zoom. Your meetings will be carried over, you’ll be able to login with your UCInetID and password, work more easily with others from UCI, and you’ll gain access to paid features (up to 300 meeting attendees, longer meetings, and more).

Follow these steps to move your existing Zoom account to UCI Zoom:

  1. Login to your existing Zoom account
  2. Click Profile in the upper-left
  3. Find Sign-In Email and compare it with your entry in the UCI Directory; if they don’t match, press Edit to the right in Zoom and change your Zoom account’s email address to exactly match the directory
  4. Check your email for a confirmation message from Zoom and confirm the change to your account’s sign-in email address
  5. Sign out of your Zoom account
  6. Sign in with your UCInetID and password via either http://uci.zoom.us or (for HIPAA-only accounts) https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/
  7. You will see a message noting that you’re signing into a different Zoom account; be sure to press Switch the New Account
  8. You will see a message noting that your account role may be different; don’t worry: all UCI Zoom accounts are created as licensed “Member” accounts with access to Zoom’s paid features
  9. Press I Acknowledge and Switch
  10. Check your email for a confirmation message from Zoom and press Switch to the new account or copy and paste the provided link to confirm

After clicking on the link, your Zoom account and data should all be migrated to the centralized UCI Zoom license.

Adjust account settings

You can adjust settings including:

  • Enable/disable breakout rooms, polls, and non-verbal feedback
  • Customize password, waiting room, and other security options

To update your settings:

  1. Sign in with your UCInetID and password via uci.zoom.us
  2. Press Settings in the upper-left

For information about recommended settings…. (pending info here)

Resources for teaching & learning with Zoom