AI Companion

About Zoom AI Companion

Zoom’s AI Companion is now available for UCI Zoom ( AI Companion is disabled by default and UCI Zoom users may optionally choose to enable AI features under their individual Zoom account settings. Zoom AI Companion is not available for any users under the UCI-HIPAA Zoom instance

Zoom AI Companion has four main functions:

  • Meeting Summary
    Generate a summary and next steps of what was discussed in your meetings
  • Smart Recording
    Consume recordings faster through highlights, smart chapters, summaries, and next steps; enhanced with conversation analytics, topic tracking indicators, and playlists.
  • In-Meeting Questions
    Quickly catch up and get clarity on what you missed during a meeting without interrupting it
  • Whiteboards
    AI Companion can generate content for your whiteboards (which you can save for later reference and collaborate on with others), such as shapes, diagrams, text, and images.

In meetings with Zoom AI Companion enabled, attendees will see a notification in the Zoom app and a star icon at the top of the Zoom app window, which they can click for additional information.

For more about Zoom AI Companion, see:

Important: Security & Privacy with Zoom AI Companion

It is critical to consider privacy and security when deciding whether or not to enable Zoom AI Companion or participate in a meeting where Zoom AI Companion is enabled. As a general best practice, Zoom AI Companion should only be used when all meeting attendees are comfortable with it being enabled.

Zoom AI Companion should never be used in any meeting involving discussion of sensitive or protected information including, but not limited to, P3 data (excluding conversation taking place within the context of instruction with instructor approval and oversight) and all P4 data.

For detailed data protection information, see:

Enable Zoom AI Companion features on your account

To enable Zoom AI Companion for your account:

  1. Login to 
  2. Press ‘Settings’ on the left side of the page
  3. Locate ‘AI Companion’
  4. Toggle the switch for each AI Companion feature you would like to enable for meetings you host


It is strongly recommended not to enable the “Automatically start Meeting Summary for all meetings I host” setting. Instead, manually enabling AI Meeting Summary at the start of a meeting provides an opportunity to confirm that action with meeting attendees before proceeding. 

It is also strongly recommended to choose “Only me (meeting host)” under the summary sharing options. This ensures that the meeting host has an opportunity to appropriately review, proofread, and edit the AI-generated summary before sharing that content with anyone else.

Manage Zoom AI Companion during meetings

To start or stop Zoom AI Companion features during a meeting:

  • Meeting Summary: Press Start Summary. When finished, press Stop Summary or end the meeting. 
  • Smart Recording: Press Record then “Record to the Cloud – Smart Recording with AI Companion.” When finished, press Stop Recording or end the meeting.
  • In-Meeting Questions: Press AI Companion and select “Who can ask Questions to AI Companion?” When finished, press AI Companion then “Disable” on top right of the side window.
  • Whiteboards: Press Whiteboards, then press the diamond icon on the left side. When finished, close the Whiteboard or end the meeting.

Important: If sensitive, P3 or P4 information is inadvertently shared before the AI Summary or recording is stopped by the host, redact this information from the meeting summary and/or smart recording prior to any distribution.

Share the Zoom AI Meeting Summary

All AI-generated content (including meeting summaries) should be carefully reviewed and proofread before any distribution beyond the meeting host. AI is imperfect and may generate content that is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise unsuitable for sharing. Meeting summaries may be a useful tool, but should not be relied upon without scrutiny.

  1. Login to
  2. Press ‘AI Companion’ on the left side of the page
  3. Locate the Meeting Summary you would like to share
  4. Press ‘Edit’ and carefully review and update the summary to ensure it is accurate before proceeding; press ‘Save’ when done
  5. Press ‘Share’ and enter the email addresses of the persons with whom you would like to share the meeting summary

For more details instructions from Zoom, see: